Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hitting The Wall

He never quits.
     Everyone hits a wall at some point.  The way forward is littered with roadblocks.  The question I often ask people is, can you hit the wall and find a way to keep going?    The truth of the matter is, everyone can move forward when things are easy or fun.   But, for those who want to go beyond what everyone else is doing - who want to push the boundaries of what's possible - they have to be willing to do what no one else does.

Race like a winner, even if you don't win.

     When I was younger I remember seeing challenges as obstacles that stood in my way.  Every time I encountered a set back I saw myself as falling behind.  It's always something, I would silently tell myself.  The thing that I failed to understand was the fact that everyone faces setbacks.  Everyone struggles.  It's like that old cliche, 'It's not whether you fall, but if you can get back up again and keep going.'  Everyone knows that, but why is it that when the moment arrives that some people push forward and others fall back?
Inno attacked solo for 20 minutes, and got caught with a lap to go...

Attacked, crashed, attacked again...  got caught.
     As a coach and as a teacher, one of the things I've struggled with over the years is whether to push people as hard as is necessary in order for them to be successful.  The problem is, if you push too hard you risk breaking them or causing them to give up before they've gotten anywhere.  So, I've usually taken a more measured approach and done what I could to keep them moving forward.  What I've come to understand as I've gotten older though is you can't be afraid of pushing people.  It's okay to be broken.  It's necessary even.  The ones who are successful will find a way to keep moving forward, and they will be stronger for having overcome the difficulty.  

Endless hours of work bike fitting and training to be able to put out power in the aero position...

     Winners don't look at challenges as obstacles, they look at them as opportunities to separate themselves from everyone else.  The bigger the success, the bigger the obstacles that must be faced.  Get over the obstacle and you will find success.   The biggest failing I see with people is they give up too easily.  When things are difficult they quit.  In order to be successful though you have to find a way to keep moving forward, even when things are difficult -  especially when things are a difficult.  In other words, you have to find a way to hit the wall and keep going.  Semper Porro.

It all adds up to this.


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