Saturday, January 11, 2014


    It's January again - a time to reflect on the year that's past and to consider what we want for the year ahead.  When I look back, all the days seem to blur together.  They were each filled with similar details.  Go to work.  Run errands.  Eat. Go to sleep.  There were good moments and bad ones.  So, when I look forward, I wonder how this year might be different.  How to live more in the moment?  How is it possible to pursue the things you want and also get the most out of life?  Is this an impossible balance?  Who knows.  I like a good challenge though.
     A lot has changed in my life since I first sat down and started writing.  My neck has healed.  I started coaching.  I bought a house.  I made new friends.  At the moment I find myself sitting here listening to music, drinking Bourbon and writing.  It's 3 in the morning and I'm feeling slightly buzzed and high on music (Avicii - Levels).  There also an odd twinge of wistfulness mixed in - probably due to the fact that I am sitting here by myself - which I suppose appeals to my melancholy nature.  I got a lot of work done in the past several hours.  I worked on my book (so many pages of writing!), I did work on some of the training schedules for my athletes, replied to emails.  All in all I am feeling quite good at the moment.  I suppose this is my way of living in the moment - drinking and writing and listening to music.  

     Years from now perhaps I'll look back and read this and think about what I was feeling.  This is a night similar to the first time I sat down and started writing nearly two years ago.  Things were a lot different then.  I had a broken neck and I had no idea of what direction to go in or what to do with my life.  In a late night moment of clarity, I decided that I had to do something, anything, and start moving forward - even if I had no idea what I was doing.  I suppose I've always had an idea of the value of forward progress.  But, that was when it crystalized into a philosophy of always moving forward.  Of course, the blog title Alwaysforward was already taken.  Oh well.  It sounds better in Latin anyway.  Semper Porro.
     I don't really subscribe to the notion of having New Years resolutions.  Probably because every day I am resolved to make the day better than the day before.  Push forward.  Take each moment as it comes.  Enjoy it.   Sometimes I suppose the days blur together.  But, it's a good blur.  All in all it's a philosophy that has served me well.  These past two years since I started writing this blog have been very full.  If I had to go back and do it again I wouldn't change a thing.  I guess if anything my resolution for this new year is to keep living life the same way I have been.  Who knows what 2014 will bring.  But, I've got a good feeling about it.

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